Tui Blue Xanthe
Spa And Health

At Tui Blue Xanthe NAR Spa, you can enjoy massage, alternative therapy and body care treatments offered by professionals, and make this serene and peaceful moment even more relaxing with your hot drinks.


During your holiday, you can spend time for the health by using various saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, hot stone beds and relaxation areas at Nar Spa wellness center.

Experience Nar Atmosphere
Nar Spa creates difference thanks to its comprehensive wellness and Fitness centres in addition to its professional and quality care services. You can allocate a great deal of your time to your health by using various saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, hot stone beds and restrooms.

Nar Spa offers our guests a wide range of extensive and natural therapy opportunities from different traditions. ‘Nar atmosphere’ which names our Beautiful Side is engraved in every service provided at our centre. It provides traditional cares, different types of massage for physical and mental health, and alternative therapies aimed at mental health, sanity, and physical health, body-building cures as well as hand, facial and foot care.

Experience Nar Atmosphere
Experience Nar Atmosphere
Nar Spa is named after historical Side.

In mythological times, Taurus the God and his Goddesses lived on the mountains around here. Taurus the God had a daughter named Side that he adored. In spring, she fancied wandering and playing along the Manavgat River (Manua) and she enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the nymphs. 


One day she went down the mount, and she met the nymphs by the river, and they made it up to the sea together arm-in-arm. Signing and dancing, they moved forward along the river on the way back, and Side saw a tree with shining flowers and leaves in the sun. She loved the tree so much that she could not help herself from breaking off a tiny branch from the tree. There started to leak a red fluid like blood... And it wasn't long after it expanded everywhere down the tree... Eventually, Side's feet clung to the earth, and she stood where she was... Nymphs efforts for help were in vain... As the sun set, the Side took the shape of the tree, the branch of which she broke off in the midst of the fearful gazes. 


Taurus the God was devastated finding out what happened, and he went down to the riverside with his people and found a Side with the help of the nymphs. He snuffed the tree and kissed it, and he turned to the others around and said, "No longer have my beloved daughter Side! However, there is this tree that she created with her own flesh and blood. Let your kids have fun with my Side from now on; let them play in her shadow so that she will not be alone, and when fall comes down each time, let them enjoy the fruit, including hundreds of Side inside, and thus Side will live forever!". This tree is currently called "NAR".